Have you ever bought a cream thinking it was for your face care and it turned out it was for your feet?
And just because there was no information in your language (unless you speak French) and no picture on the tube (because why should there be any), you just thought “it looks like a facial cream, it smells like one, then it must be a facial cream”? I have. A long time ago, when in Poland there was no Internet yet, no Google Translate and the only French-speaking person I knew was away at that time.
When you plan to introduce your product in international markets, it is crucial for the product content to be addressed to the right audience and in the right language. So that nobody has to use any product in the wrong way. Of course, nowadays we have Google Translate and easy access to simply translated information to make sure we use the product appropriately. But is this enough?
Product marketers have to follow certain steps and answer specific questions in order to create an efficient product marketing strategy. These questions touch the very basic aspects of creating a product marketing strategy and they also cover the matter of international product marketing strategy.
So, how to make sure your product is more usable and customer-friendly regardless of the country and language so that customers become evangelists of the product? The answer is simple: product localization. See why.
How are your customers supposed to know that your product solves their problems, or fulfill their needs if they don’t understand you and your content? Making sure your product content is easy to comprehend which makes the product user-friendly, places you on the international map of the products best to get. Don’t miss this chance.
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To gain customers’ trust you need to speak their language. There’s nothing surprising in that. And speaking their languages does not mean translating your basic content via Google Translate or any other automated translation tool available on the Internet.
To really communicate and engage your customers, they need to have the literal proof that you speak their language. This does not mean just text. It’s your images, the colors you choose, date formats and so on. Localizing your product content relates to product manuals, technical documentation (as customers need to have the full information about how to use your product to the fullest), and also product marketing collateral.
What’s the use of product marketing if the content is in a language that your prospects do not use? Will they be able to use the product as easily as it was meant to be used, be happy and come back for more? Will they recommend your brand and your product saying “Hey, they really went out of their way to make this work for us!”?
Gaining their trust by properly engaging with your customers (in their own language, respecting their culture), you increase your brand’s recognition which results in more and more customers coming your way.
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Just because you think your product speaks for itself doesn’t mean your customers will share the opinion. It needs to appeal to their needs by proving your brand’s full understanding of their culture, tradition and language.
Follow the footsteps of the biggest players in the markets, like Coca-Cola for example. What they did, localizing their “Share a Coke” campaign, showed their attention to peoples’ needs (everyone likes to be addressed personally). It also showed their complete awareness of what localization is: using first names in one country can be offensive in another.
Using names popular in a certain country was one way of them showing how much they understand the concept of localization, but also using expressions like “close friend”, “classmate” and others instead of first names in China, where it’s not acceptable, show the deep understanding of the cultural nuances.
When considering a question “why is my product unique”, it’s good if the answer includes the “because it’s properly localized” point.
Whether it’s about your manuals’ localization, your technical documentation translation or your marketing translation, these services will all make your product stand out in international markets.
Make sure you use the right localization company for this. Don’t miss out on the best quality of your localized content which results in increased sales. Don’t miss out on your team being able to focus on their core duties simply because they don’t have to translate the content themselves.
And don’t miss out on your customers’ best experience when you offer them the product supported by content completely adjusted to their locale, language and culture.
Whether your customers become your product evangelists is completely in your hands. So, how will it be?
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