Time-to-market growing international companies is of the essence for Product Executives. It’s critical to be the one or among the first to release new products, features and updates to global consumers for a competitive advantage and increase of the market share.
There are ways to secure the best marketing strategy for new product and its rapid and efficient internationalization process in any given market. One of them is to leverage the translation technology and use it to deliver products quickly to international markets without compromising the quality of translation and localization.
The translation and localization technology does not, in any case, mean putting your localization on autopilot. Whereas machine translation is of certain value when it comes to different types of content, it is still important to remember about the importance of human expertise in the process. Whether it’s MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing), or any other language translation service, as long as it involves humans and technology combination, it secures your product content quality translation.
Technology helps speeding the process up. It helps human translators to effectively manage the process in a timely manner, deliver on time. Due to the efficiency, a localization company is able to deliver the translation on spec and on budget as well.
"In some areas of the process, software works to accelerate the delivery and consistency of manual tasks. In others, it identifies linguistic matches, patterns and efficiencies at a pace and scale impossible for humans to replicate. Sometimes, language technology completes whole sections of language conversion using advanced machine translation tools."
"A huge range of tools exists to help expedite the translation process, ranging from hyper-specific niche applications to comprehensive management platforms designed to manage end-to-end language programs."
Your content needs to be carefully tailored with the translation and localization in mind from the start of the product creation. Assuming the content is localization-friendly, the internationalization process is sped up with the quality intact and the perfect time-to-market. And to secure that you have all sorts of tools, of course, such as Content Management Systems (CMS), Digital Asset Management (DAM), Web Content Management (WCM), or Help Authoring Tools (HAT).
Whether it’s about the tools use by website localization services, audiovisual localization tools or software development tools, or any other, there is a wide range of choices, to fast track the new product introduction in the global markets.
Regardless of how advanced a software is, it will not help accelerate time-to-market without the right team, workflows and a proper plan.
"If poorly executed, technology risks not only delivering only a portion of its potential benefits, but potentially even delaying the process due to unforeseen issues, functionality gaps or incompatibilities."
There are some important tips for getting the best out of translation technology.
It is critical to know where and how a process works, especially when multiple resources are collaborating on complex projects.
"To eliminate this risk, an overarching plan detailing steps, communication channels and feedback or collaboration platforms brings everyone onto the same page."
If you’re looking to reduce the time needed for the translation and localization process, you need to check your content to make sure it is indeed prepared for it.
"Nothing slows projects down or delays launches as much as additional requirements appearing unexpectedly, derailing workflows and throwing timing into disarray."
"For even the most complex translation and localization requirements, a workflow supported by the optimal configuration of specialist tools lets both product and language teams automate key steps, collaborate effectively and reduce overall program cycles."
The right technology offers a certain commercial advantage in highly competitive international markets reducing delays in updates releases, helping ship products faster. Make sure you know how to use it to the fullest for your next successful product launch.
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