Out of 1.5 billion English speaking people in the world, only about 360 million are native users of this language.
When planning a marketing strategy that will take your business way beyond any borders you need to consider this fact as well as the fact that people tend to prefer searching for products and purchasing them in their native language.
To enter international markets nowadays the best possible solution is to localize your content. It may be a website translation that you need, or you may have to translate your software or create multilingual documentation for your international audiences.
Check which areas of your business are affected by translation and localization services to better understand the benefits from implementing marketing translation in your international marketing strategy.
Related content: Marketing Translation Playbook
Your content, translated into any other language that you see fit for your business, will always be recognized by search engines as unique. As long as you remember about the best practices for SEO Localization.
Related content: A Quick Introduction to SEO Localization
The translation of your marketing content has to be done by human translators, who really know the market you’re aiming to enter.
They need to be performed by linguists who also know all possible changes that have been happening in the target language as well as any cultural and legislative nuances in the target country.
The translator working on your marketing content should also be experienced in the aspects of international keywords. The wording that is chosen in the translated files needs to fully address your audience’s needs and goals so that the search engines can recognize your content as valuable and informative. This will help your content rank higher in the search results.
Related content: Translation Agency vs. In-house Marketing Team: Who Should Translate Your Content?
If you, however, decide to use machine translation technology, then never underestimate the benefits of having the content checked by human translators and reviewers. Making sure your content is not only long, informative but also culturally and linguistically appropriate is critical. This is where a service MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing) comes in handy.
Related content: What Happens When You Experiment With Machine Translation
Trust your marketing translation agency with your marketing content or, if you’re looking for a localization company to handle your content, make sure you know what to look for.
There is a rising demand to deliver marketing content as well as a product supporting copy in the customers’ native languages. If you want your business to become a major player in the international marketplace, you need to localize.
When your mulitlingual website visibility is improved you will notice a significant increase in your website traffic and a boost in conversion rates.
Speaking your customers’ language is one of the key proofs showing that you are open to their needs, that you want to understand their expectations and that their goals are important to you.
Having a multilingual marketing content (or product/service supporting content) is a show of your goodwill which will result in an increase of trust towards your company.
When you create an environment in which your prospect and existing customers feel understood, listened to and important, they will also trust your brand more.
This also means enhancing the customer or user experience (depending on what you need, whether it’s marketing translation, product documentation localization or maybe software localization).
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The more content in native languages you offer to your customers, the better their experience.
Being able to access accurate information, being kept in the loop for any news coming their way that they are able to understand and use for their benefit most definitely will help you build a strong and long-term relationship with your global customer base.
This in result secures your brand’s position in the international markets. You become the thought leader, the source of valuable information for those looking for answers about a product or service.
By providing your customers with unique customer experience in their native language, you gain trust from your international audience.
Customers and service/product users need to be sure that the information they access will help them fully use the product or service, understand how the product/services work and what to do if something goes wrong.
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Offering your customers support in their own language is the way to give them a sense of security. This usually results in your customers recommending your brand as user/customer-friendly. If you don’t make the effort to establish communication in your customers’ native language it may end differently, like in the real-life example below:
My friend once asked me to translate a manual for a laser epilator. Yes, I speak English, but do I know something about laser epilators? No. So I gave her a general overview of how to do the basic things like switch it on and off and so on, but the detailed information took too much time and I was not sure whether I was doing it right.
And Google Translate didn’t help in that instance as it was quite a few years back. Nobody was hurt but the one outcome was my friend’s comment: I should have bought the epilator by XYZ because they had a manual in Polish. I’m 100% sure she didn’t recommend the one she had to anyone else.
When you translate your content, you spend a certain amount of money on it, of course. Nothing is for free. But if you do it right, you benefit from it more than you think. There are ways to save your money on translation and localization services.
Translating 4% of your marketing budget into a 25-50% increase in leads with an ROI of 151%. This is effective localization.
The first thing to mention is that the more you translate, the more you save. When you work with a marketing translation agency that is worth their salt, your translations will be stored in translation memory. Thanks to technological solutions like Computer Assisted Translation tools (CAT tools), past translations, divided into particular segments are stored in the tool’s memory.
Related content: How to Really Save on Translation and Localization
Whenever you have new content to be translated, the CAT tools immediately recognize the previously translated segments, to help you avoid paying twice for the same thing.
The more languages you add to the pool and the more content you decide to translate, the more savings you generate.
Another way to save your time and money is integrating your system directly with translation software used by your localization company.
You save your time and money not only because of translation technology but also thanks to having the right people do the translation and localization for you.
When you have a dedicated Project Manager and professional, experienced translators, reviewers and any other resources making sure your content is handled in the best and timely manner, you and your team can focus on your main goals which will result in you meeting your targets.
Related content: 7 Things Your Translation Project Manager Handles for You So You Don't Have to
Let’s not forget about your time-to-market. It’s common knowledge these days that there is an increasing demand for products being launched into international markets in a swift and fast way.
The conditions in the markets are continuously changing, so are the customers’ needs and expectations. They don’t want to wait too long for your new product. They want it all and they want it now.
Working with a professional translation services partner, you are able to meet these expectations thanks to continuous localization. Having your marketing translation or a multilingual product support copy delivered to you in batches will allow you to deliver the product, service or any information necessary to your customers in shorter periods of time, making sure they don’t have to wait, lose their patience and go elsewhere.
Finally, you will notice your ROI boost simply because the sales of your product or service will increase thanks to your brand offering the audience exactly what they need and when they need it.
Related content: A Guide to Measuring Website Localization ROI
People tend to buy on websites that offer information in their own language and also most Internet users check the product price and information in their native language as well.
When you decide to enter a new market that operates in a different language, you usually have to get to know the audience and also any important cultural, linguistic and legislative aspects that could affect your brand’s introduction there. This takes a lot of time, resources and energy. And risk.
Getting to know your audience in a target market is the key to your success.
To save all that time, energy and limit the potential risk factors, collaboration with a professional translation provider is a good choice.
As previously mentioned, you save money by having the professionals handling all your translations and with the use of a skilled, experienced team equipped with the right tools and processes you can save substantial amounts of money.
Your time is of value as well. A professional translator at a marketing translation agency will provide you with all the necessary information that will help you get to know your audience and use the knowledge to your advantage.
Marketing translation is a highly creative process; it’s not a standard translation like it is with any technical documentation involved. So, your translator, or pool of linguists for that matter, need to be experienced in such a creative process.
They have to possess a deep understanding of the market you are trying to enter, cultural aspects that affect your product introduction and marketing collateral and they also need to have up-to-date knowledge of any linguistic nuances in the target language.
Related content: 5 Ways That Translation Companies Cause You to Overspend
Having the support of a localization company that offers its people’s knowledge, experience, guidance and tools is something worth considering when you plan to enter international markets.
Your global business growth is your main focus and it is at the core of the tasks that you and your team dedicate your energy and attention to. Your company’s international growth is also at the very core of every stage of the localization process.
After all, localization companies also provide services. And your needs, your expectations and goals are important to them. Your successful product or service introduction in the global markets means that they have done their job perfectly. Isn’t that what every company is looking for? Make sure you have the support of the right localization company focused on helping their clients win in international markets.
When you create your international marketing plan with localization in mind, these are the benefits you should be looking at. This is what really happens when you decide to speak your customers’ language and choose to trust the right translation provider.
Making the right choices will impact your brand’s image in foreign markets and it will help you establish your position on the international business map.
Are you in?
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6 Tips on Preparing Your Content for Translation
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