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Marek Makosiej
March 21, 2023
16 min read

Top Manufacturing Translation Problems and Solutions

Top Manufacturing Translation Problems and Solutions

The manufacturing industry is highly competitive. Employees of manufacturing firms in the United States earn 8.8% more than in the private sector.


The U.S. ranks 1st in 7 manufacturing industries out of 16 total, while China was the largest for the other industries.


Source: {{


As a manufacturer, you know how important it is to keep your customers and partners happy. But what happens when your non-English speaking partners and customers need help understanding your product specifications and requirements? 


With professional manufacturing translation services, companies can translate their content into multiple languages, breaking down communication barriers and providing a better user experience for their target audience


In this blog, you'll learn what manufacturing translation is, the types of content it covers, and the most common issues companies face with manufacturing translation. 


We'll also look at solutions to the most common problems in manufacturing translation services. 


Learn how to improve your global customer experience and grow your business with a reliable manufacturing translation agency.




What Is Manufacturing Translation?



What Is Manufacturing Translation?



Manufacturing translation is translating technical, R&D, scientific, legal, medical, and marketing information from one language to another at any stage of the manufacturing process.


It is essential in the following industries:


  • Technology
  • Machinery
  • Electrical
  • Consumer electronics and appliances
  • Transportation
  • Food and beverages
  • Chemical
  • Textiles
  • Printing
  • Wood, plastic, and metal
  • Petroleum
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Aviation and aerospace
  • Information Technology
  • Automotive 
  • Supply chains


Manufacturing translation includes interpreting technical information documentation such as user manuals, product specs, material safety data sheets, product descriptions, and safety instructions.



The process in the manufacturing niche presents several challenges known to any manufacturing company needing to translate their manufacturing content.



The process in the manufacturing niche presents several challenges known to any manufacturing company needing to translate their manufacturing content.


Accurately translating technical terminology to convey the same meaning in another language is critical to avoid confusion that could lead to product defects. Bullet points and notes are sometimes overlooked during the translation quality process, so it is vital to track the progress of work.


To streamline and speed up the manufacturing process, managing and tracking translation in production is necessary to get the right message in the target language. 


Investing in a professional and experienced subject matter expert with knowledge and experience in a specific industry is an excellent way to overcome some of the most common manufacturing translation problems. 







Related content: The Ultimate Guide to Machinery Translation







How Does Manufacturing Translation Work?



How Does Manufacturing Translation Work?



Manufacturing translation is essential for companies operating globally or with international partners. Translating manufacturing texts can be a challenging task due to the technical nature of the content.


The factory and production translation requires a team of skilled professional linguists with expertise in technical language and industry-specific terminology. They must work closely with subject matter experts to ensure accurate translation and localization of content. Although manufacturing translation can be complex and time-consuming, it is worth the investment. 


Inaccurate translation of technical documentation can lead to costly errors and potential legal issues. 


With the help of experienced linguists and advanced translation technologies, manufacturing companies can overcome translation issues and expand their global reach.




Can I Use Machine Translation for Manufacturing Content?



Can I Use Machine Translation For Manufacturing Content?



Machine translation can be used for this purpose, but certain limitations must be considered. For example, machine-translated content can be ineffective or misleading.


The accuracy of machine translations and translation memory (MT) also depends on several factors, such as the quality of the source material. To ensure high-quality translations, experts in technical translation services must be familiar with the production process and the terminology used in the industry. 


Machine translations often lack the proper context and do not consider nuance. Using machine translation post-editing services can be more effective, as an experienced interpreter will fix the most errors. But, to achieve good results, partnering up with a professional linguists team or localization agency, aka subject matter expertise, is recommended. 




Even though machine translation, for example, Google Translate, is available, it is important to use qualified language experts to translate manufacturing content and technical translations for an online audience.



Even though machine translation, for example, Google Translate, is available, it is important to use qualified language experts to translate manufacturing content and technical translations for an online audience. 


This is because using machine translation can result in losing customer trust and credibility. Therefore, investing in a good translation service is essential to avoid problems and ensure that accurate translations are delivered.


It's worth remembering that manufacturing translations will likely be confidential and contain protected corporate information. 


Machine translation services have no proper security control system in place. Your company data, even confidential information, can be used to refine the AI algorithm further. 


You have no control over data protection, confidential information, copyright, personal information processing, DGPR, or other legally binding protection measures. 




The Role of Legal Translation in the Manufacturing Process



The Role Of Legal Translation In The Manufacturing Process



Translation in manufacturing is a complex process that involves the translation of technical documents and legal contracts in the manufacturing industry. Legal translation is essential to this process, ensuring all legal papers are translated and preserved correctly. This also applies to preparing business contracts, business letters, and other important documents.


A qualified linguist is essential for successful translation in the manufacturing sector. Experienced language experts are responsible for accurately translating technical terms and jargon into the correct language and ensuring all parties can access the same legal information. 


This can help speed up the manufacturing process and provide local and international laws compliance.


Legal translation is critical to the manufacturing industry because it helps companies navigate international regulations and contracts in other countries. 


With the help of a qualified interpreter, manufacturing translation issues can be resolved, and the process can be carried out smoothly and efficiently.


Related content: 15 Best Practices for User Manual Translation



Go Global with Manufacturing Translations



Go Global With Manufacturing Translations



Manufacturing translation involves translating product specifications and processing documentation related to manufacturing processes into different target languages. 


This is important for companies that want to enter international markets in Europe and Asia to sell products in other countries. 


It can be done manually or with the help of a computer-assisted translation tool (CAT) and supports business operations in new markets.


For companies looking to expand their business internationally, it is a critical step in entering global markets. It enables companies to communicate effectively with customers in other countries and sell their products to a broader audience. 



For companies looking to expand their business internationally, it is a critical step in entering global markets. It enables companies to communicate effectively with customers in other countries and sell their products to a broader audience.



Whether it's translating product manuals or technical specifications, manufacturing translation helps ensure that important information is communicated accurately and effectively across languages and cultures. 


By investing in manufacturing translation, your company can improve its chances of success in global markets and expand its global reach.






Related content: How Do You Solve Problems with Technology Translation?







Improve Customer Experience by Passing Language Barriers



Improve Customer Experience By Minimizing Language Barriers



Manufacturing translation can help improve the customer experience by reducing language barriers and time to complete business transactions. 


The proper translation solutions for a manufacturing firm can reduce the risk of misinterpretation and ensure that all parties involved in a transaction understand each other's needs.


Translation can also help improve the customer experience and user experience by reducing confusion and making products more accessible to those who do not speak the original language. 


With the correct translation, customers can access products and services in their native language, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. 


Moreover, for legal reasons, such content needs to be provided to customers in new markets, as they must have complete information about buying your products, canceling their orders, and returning process.


The use of manufacturing translation ensures that personalized products are delivered on time and according to customer requirements, which increases satisfaction. 


Overall, manufacturing translation is essential for improving the customer experience and streamlining business transactions in the manufacturing industry.





What Types of Content Do Manufacturing Translation Cover?



What Types Of Content Do Manufacturing Translation Cover?



Manufacturing translation covers a variety of content, from technical manuals to legal and regulatory documents. 


Technical documents include information on machines, tools, and manufacturing processes. 


Process documentation includes manuals and similar documents that describe the various manufacturing operations. 


Legal content consists of translating safety documents, laboratory reports, and product labels to ensure compliance with the target country's regulations.


In addition, manufacturing translation also includes the translation of legal documents and contracts related to manufacturing and trade. 


This translation service can also cover medical content: patient charts, medical records, and vaccination records. It's crucial for the global distribution of pharmaceutical products. 


Linguists may encounter challenges such as technical language, specific terminologies, and cultural differences. However, using a translation service provider with expertise in manufacturing can provide practical solutions to these problems.






The Most Common Manufacturing Translation Problems



The Most Common Manufacturing Translation Problems



The most common problems with manufacturing translation are related to accuracy and completeness. Product-related content is often translated from one language to another without proper research or expertise, often MT, resulting in inaccurate and incomplete translations.


These translation errors can lead to significant business problems, such as mistranslated instructions, miscommunication between departments, and even legal issues. 


Using the right translation tools and techniques is critical to avoiding such problems in manufacturing translation. Professional translators should be familiar with the specific linguistic and grammatical requirements and the specialized terminology of the manufacturing process.


In addition, interpreters should track changes in manufacturing processes to ensure that their translations are current and accurate. By taking these steps, companies can avoid common manufacturing translation issues and ensure that their content is translated effectively and accurately.


One major issue is the need for more clarity in the original text. Your company has to make the initial content clear and precise to avoid errors and costly revisions. Inaccurate or incomplete descriptions and missing details in the translated text should also be noted. In addition, misunderstandings between translators, project managers, and clients and poor quality of the source translation can lead to problematic translations.


Of course, a professional localization agency can help you with pre-editing services to make the translation workflow efficient.


Another area for improvement is the translation of technical or scientific terms: using slang, abbreviations, and idioms is another challenge, as it may need to be clarified or communicated between the translator and the client. A proper termbase or glossary can help to minimize this issue.


To mitigate these issues, you must ensure translators have the appropriate technical knowledge and experience in the target language. 


Providing clear instructions and feedback and using high-quality localization software are also essential. 


Addressing these issues with your translation partner early on will go a long way toward producing accurate and efficient manufacturing translations.








Timing and Translation Delivery Problems


One of the biggest problems in producing translations is timing problems. Deadlines for transmitting sensitive information can be very tight, causing delays if not adequately met. Communication breakdowns between translators and clients can also slow down the process.


To overcome these challenges, you and your translation partner must understand the importance of timing and strive to deliver high-quality translations (and feedback) on time. 


This can be achieved through efficient project management, effective communication, and collaboration between all parties. 


By addressing scheduling issues head-on and taking proactive steps to overcome them, manufacturing translation projects can be completed successfully and on time.




Lack of Accuracy and Expertise


The Manufacturing translation process needs excellent accuracy. For example, such a problem can arise when a translator does not understand the source language correctly, leading to translation errors. 


Another problem is expertise; your language expert may need access to the same vocabulary or terminology as the original author.


Inaccurate translations can cause problems for companies that rely on them for business communications. 


To overcome these translation issues, companies can work with specialized translators with manufacturing industry experience and understand the field's terminology and vocabulary. 


Companies can also invest in translation software to detect errors and improve accuracy. 


By addressing these issues when translating manufacturing industry texts, companies can ensure clear and accurate communication with their international partners and customers.







Related content: How to Measure the Quality of Translation in 2024




Ignoring Quality Assurance


When it comes to manufacturing translations, ISO quality standard is key. Neglecting localization quality assurance (LQA) and proofreading can lead to various translation issues, ultimately costing companies time and money. 


Poorly translated manufacturing documents can lead to product defects, missed deadlines, compromise customer privacy, or damage business relationships. As a business owner, you know your company must avoid this at all costs.


To avoid these problems, manufacturers must prioritize quality checks at all stages of the translation workflow. This includes:


  • Carefully selecting translators with expertise in the manufacturing industry
  • Using translation software and tools to ensure accuracy
  • Having multiple parties proofread and edit to identify any errors or discrepancies



By prioritizing quality control checks, manufacturers can avoid common translation issues and ensure the success of their global operations.





How to Avoid Most Common Manufacturing Translation Issues?



How To Avoid Most Common Manufacturing Translation Issues?



To avoid problems with manufacturing translation services, take specific steps. 


First, pay attention to the reputation of the translation company you hire. Make sure the company has a good track record of delivering quality work. 


Insist on translation standards and procedures and a quality review process to ensure quality translations. To further ensure accuracy, it is crucial to monitor the progress of the translation project throughout the process by using a quality control checklist, creating test scenarios and records, establishing a communication and coordination mechanism, and a translation management system. 


These measures help track translations and ensure they are completed on time. Ultimately, these solutions guarantee that the final translation product will meet your company's expectations and production manufacturing requirements.









Let's Get to Work!


Do you want to be successful in the manufacturing industry globally? In this case, you need a team that understands the intricacies of manufacturing translation, including the most common translation issues. 


By working with a reliable manufacturing translation service provider that offers QA and expertise, your company can overcome these challenges and ensure that your message reaches your final audience, regardless of their language. Effective manufacturing translation requires a thorough understanding of industry-specific terms, jargon, and processes. For more helpful information to help your company go global, visit our blog. Learn how to optimize your translation efforts, and check the following articles below!




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