Joanna Tarasiewicz

9+ Years of Localization Services Provider Experience, Production Director, Conference Speaker, Global Community Manager for Women in Localization

Author's bio

Joanna uses her background in localization project management & leadership skills to lead the ATL’s production team towards their client’s global success.

As a project manager, she has experienced first-hand the demands of localization. Through this experience, she came to learn the most effective localization workflows and processes and became obsessed with automation supporting humans. Her experience in working with clients spans across all types of content types and markets. She enjoys implementing appropriate localization solutions to help ATL’s clients communicate with their buyers worldwide.

Outside of work, Joanna enjoys volunteering in Women in Localization as a Global Community manager as well as supporting the Poland Chapter of Women in Localization in their local partnership strategies. She is a conference speaker and a lecturer. She also enjoys cooking and baking for her two daughters, traveling, and Stand Up Paddle Boarding.

Recent posts by Joanna Tarasiewicz

8 Translation Review Problems Making Your Translation Agency's Name a Cussword in Your Office

The name of our translation company has become a cussword in our office! -..

A Detailed Review of Professional Translation Services

Your multilingual product, website or software may put you ahead of your..

A Guide to an Efficient Software UI Localization Process

One out of ten customers will not buy a product if it is not localized. Whether..

Translation Agency vs. In-house Marketing Team: Who Should Translate Your Content?

Think about your website. Now consider adding 5 new language versions to it. ..

Top 10 Translation Tools That You Should Know About: A Complete Review

Are you here because you are interested in selling your product globally? Do..

4 Reasons Brands Reject Translation Companies That Could Be Right for Them

How much do you want to hit multi markets? What have you done to make it..

How Much Does Website Translation Cost?

You've decided that it’s time to provide your global audience with multilingual..

How Much Does Software Localization Cost?

You have developed an application that sells well in the United States. Now,..

5 Ways That Translation Companies Cause You to Overspend

Localization companies use various tools to cut the cost of translation..

How Much Does It Cost to Translate a Video? [Rates, Factors & Savings]

6 Objections You May Have With Training Material Translation

Are you ready to translate your training material and make it available to your..

Freelance Translators vs. A Translation Agency: An Honest Comparison

What is the difference between translation projects handled by translation..

A Guide To Understanding Translation and Localization

Why are you here? Is it because you’re considering or even planning to use..

10 Signs That Indicate Bad Marketing Translation Services

Since you're here, you're probably looking to expand your business into..

A Lack of Translation Integration With Your System: Trouble Alert

To translate your website, product information, marketing content, E-learning..

How Much Does Document Translation Cost?

Are you growing your business in multiple markets? If so, apart from..

7 Tips to Avoid Wasting Your Translation Budget

Looking for someone to blame for your translation budget not paying off? Blame..

How to Boost the Translation Into Multiple Languages at Once

Warren Buffett was right! To some extent.

Translation Agencies vs. Local Distributors: Compare Your Options

Are you familiar with the zero-waste philosophy?

File Formats vs. Technical Translation Turnaround Time: What's the Catch?

Reduced time-to-market (TTM)is an important aspect of entering new global ..

Translation Agencies vs. Google Translate Plugin: An Honest Comparison

What is the difference between professional translation providers and free..

Are You Making These 4 Mistakes in Your Business Growth?

Maintaining your presence on the market year after year is a challenge...

What Happens When You Experiment with Machine Translation

Would you like to translate 1,500,000 words within one working day into a..

3 Documentation Authoring Tool Integrations with Translation Systems: An Honest Review

Which documents and data impact your business growth worldwide? The zettabytes..

15 Simple Ways to Kill Your Multilingual Website

Since you are here, you are probably either considering starting the..

10 Things That Will Make Your Multilingual Marketing Content Fail You

In one of the Brave by Design episodes, Laura Khalil explains how tough it is..

5 Reasons to Connect Translation Software With Your System

What are translation integrations, a.k.a. connectors? Why should you ask your..

3 Differences in Costs of Translation vs. Transcreation

If you are planning to launch your product on a new market and translate your..

6 Reasons Why Your Team May Fail at Translation Quality Review

One of the most relevant questions regarding translation quality that our..

How to Really Save on Translation and Localization

Are you having doubts whether budgeting for translation services is reasonable..

4 Aspects of Translation Agency's Size: Should It Matter to You?

How big is your company? Are you just a bunch of freelance translators in a..

5 Easy-to-fix Problems Tech Companies Face With Translation

Whoever tells you that localization is easy and effortless is telling you..

10 Best Practices in Website Localization

Let me tell you a short story.

15 Myths About Style Guides and Glossaries for Translation

What is it about the fastest-growing businesses around the globe that makes..

The Cost of a Translation Agency vs. Freelance Translators

How much does hiring freelance translators cost? How much does it cost to use a..

3 Scenarios of How Wrong Your Website Translation Can Go and Why

Not that long time ago in a galaxy not that far away...

How to Prepare for Software Localization

Is your software localization something so far in the future that for now it..

What is the Cost of Training Materials Translation?

Are you planning to train your international staff? Or maybe you assist other..

Master Your Multilingual Website in 8 Simple Steps

Are you looking for guidance for your website localization?

How to Prepare for Marketing Translation: Tips That Work Every Time

Preparing a successful marketing campaign isn't a piece of cake, you know that..

6 Powerful Ways to Improve Your In-country Review

How do you check if your translation is correct when you don't speak the..

Website Localization Into Multiple Languages at Once: Pros and Cons

Is it advisable to translate our website content into several languages at..

Why Website and Software Testing Is More Important Than You Think

Do you always remember to test your localized software or your translated..

10 Helpful Solutions to Document Translation Challenges

If you're planning to grow your business internationally, sooner or later you..

7 Rules of Great Translation Quality Assurance

How do you know if translations delivered by your localization company are..

The 4 Best Translation Management Systems: An Honest Review

Translation Management Systems are all about speeding up the localization..

Are Free Sample Translations a Good Idea?

Do you let your prospective clients use your newest product or software for a..

How to Recognize Bad Software Localization Companies

Are you here because you want your software to be translated into several..

How to Reduce Turnaround Time for Content Translation

Are you worried that your content isn't translated quickly enough and you might..

What's Included in Marketing Translation Services Costs

Do you really know what is included in your marketing translation price?

Take a Closer Look at Your Translation Memory – Can You See Machine Translation?

As a Senior Project Manager in a localization company, I work with clients and..